Start: Polish Libraries, ISSN 2353-1835, DOI 10.36155/PLIB
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Dr. Tomasz Makowski / National Library of Poland (Warsaw, Poland)

Dr. Tomasz Makowski has been Director General of the National Library of Poland since 2007. Prior to this he served there as Director of Research and Head of Special Collections. He joined the Polish Library in 1994 and began his work in the Manuscripts Department, where he held various posts from Junior Librarian to Associate Professor.

Dr. Makowski chairs the National Council for Libraries and the National Reserve of Library Collections Committee. He is editor-in-chief of the journals Polish Libraries and Rocznik Biblioteki Narodowej [Yearbook of the Polish National Library], chair of the Board of the Museum of Warsaw and the Board of the Central Agricultural Library, co-chair of the Intergovernmental Polish-Ukrainian Subcommittee on Library Affairs and vice-chair of the Polish Committee of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme.

He is member of a number of boards, including those of the National Ossoliński Institute in Wrocław, POLONIKA – The National Institute of Polish Cultural Heritage Abroad, the Polish–Lithuanian Expert Group on the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, the Polish-Belarusian Advisory Commission for Historical and Cultural Heritage, and the Scientific Programme Committee of the Hieronim Łopaciński Provincial Public Library in Lublin. He is an Honorary Member of the Association internationale de bibliophilie, the FIDES Federation and the Scientific Society of Płock.

Formerly he was a member of the Standing Committee of the National Libraries Section of IFLA (2011–2015), the Board of the Polish National Museum in Krakow (2006–2010), the Board of the Museum of the Royal Łazienki Palace and Garden Complex (2006–2010), the Committee for the Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Fryderyk Chopin (2008–2010), the Programme Board of the Polish Book Institute (2007–2010), the Archive Committee under the Managing Director of the Polish State Archives (2007–2017), the Advisory Council of the Princes Czartoryski Foundation in Krakow (2007-2008) and the Programme Committee of the Fryderyk Chopin Institute (2007–2017).

Dr. Makowski is a member of scientific boards of the journals Lietuvos mokslu akademijos Vrublevskiu biblioteka, Przegląd Biblioteczny, Almanach Warszawy and the publication series Muzeologia. Teoria – praktyka –  podręczniki.
He sits on the juries of the Kazimierz Moczarski History Prize and the Jerzy Giedroyc Award, given by the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita.

He also works at the Chair of the History of Books, Libraries and Archives at the Faculty of Historical Sciences of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, where he lectures on history of books and libraries and on editing of historical sources.

Dr. Makowski is an expert in manuscripts and history of libraries. He has written four monographs, acted as scientific editor for another, and is the author of numerous research articles. His key publications include:


  • Poselstwo Jerzego Ossolińskiego do Rzymu w roku 1633 [Jerzy Ossoliński's mission to Rome in 1633] (1996)
  • Autografy świętych w zbiorach Biblioteki Narodowej: in odore sanctitatis scriptum [Autograph manuscripts of the saints in the collection of the Polish National Library: in odore sanctitatis scriptum] (1998)
  • Biblioteka Ordynacji Zamojskiej: od Jana do Jana. Przewodnik po wystawie [The Zamoyski Family Library: From Jan to Jan. Exhibition guide] (2005)
  • Biblioteka Ordynacji Zamojskiej: od Jana do Jana. Katalog wystawy [The Zamoyski Family Library: From Jan to Jan. Exhibition catalogue] (scientific editor, 2005)
  • Rękopisy w zbiorach kościelnych [Manuscripts in ecclesiastical collections] (with contributions by Patryk Sapała; 2014)

Selected articles

  • “Angielska terminologia zdobnictwa rękopisów” [English terminology of manuscript decoration], Roczniki Biblioteczne XLVI (2002), pp. 243–253
  • “A brief history of Jan Zamoyski’s library”, in I lag med böcker. Festskrift till Ulf Göranson, Uppsala 2012, pp. 243–251
  • “The Zamoyski Family Library in Warsaw as an Institute of Polish History”, Polish Libraries 1 (2013), pp. 234–240
  • “The National Library of Poland during the coronavirus pandemic. A brief history of the first nine months of the state of emergency”, Przegląd Biblioteczny 2020 (special issue), pp. 38–56
  • “Wstępne rozpoznanie recepcji polskiej książki drukowanej w renesansowej Anglii na podstawie pośmiertnych spisów majątku” [An initial investigation into the reception of Polish printed books in Renaissance England on the basis of posthumous property inventories], Saeculum Christianum XXVII (2020) no. 1, pp. 106–117


Prof. Elżbieta Zybert – Chair / University of Warsaw (Warsaw, Poland)
Prof. Krystyna Jaworska / Università di Torino (Turin, Italy)
Dr. Katarzyna Kołakowska / Catholic University of Lublin (Lublin, Poland)
Dr. Olga Kolosovska / Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine)
Dr. Jędrzej Leśniewski / Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Wrocław, Poland)
Dr. Monika Mitera / National Library of Poland (Warsaw, Poland)
Dr. Sigitas Narbutas / Wróblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Prof. Zdzisław Pietrzyk / Jagiellonian Library (Cracow, Poland)
Dr. Tomasz Szwaciński / National Library of Poland (Warsaw, Poland)



Monika Michowicz / National Library of Poland (Warsaw)